Audio Triggers

During my tutorials Jon and I discussed using audio to narrate the website as the user navigated, this could be achieved by using large hover triggers so when the user hovered over the hit box the sound would play. I purchased a widget called On Scroll Audio – On that page it states “Set from one point in the browser you would like the audio to play”. Now I figured I would be able to set a section of my sidescrolling site and when the users browser window reached this point the audio would play. This was not possible because the way the widget worked was that it worked on a horizontal plane, so as the user scrolled downwards, not horizontally, they would reach the point where the audio was and it would play. when placed on a horizontal site the audio just plays immediately, as the window is always going to be on the same horizontal plane.


I did then look into purchasing another widget but I wasnt 100% sold on the idea as I know for myself personally, audio on websites is annoying unless I want it to play. So i decided rather than spend more money on a widget I didn’t know if I’d like I would just forego that idea and press on with other aspects of the site.

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